Figure Review

Review: 1/8 Kousaka Kirino

Kotobukiya Kousaka Kirino-020

Ah Kousaka Kirino…if you’ve been following Hobby Hovel for a long time, then you might have seen some parts of my tumultuous relationship with this mischievous little scamp. When I first learned of the premise of Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute, or Oreimo for short), I could not help but to roll my eyes: “A closet imouto otaku that also happens to be a fashion model, an honor student, a track athlete, and a feisty tsundere younger sister character at the same time? Really?” But when I saw the first promo photos of this figure of her by Kotobukiya months ago, I could not help but to put away at least some of my prejudice, because I’ can’t help but to love bright-coloured, energetic figures like this.

When the TV anime began to air, I quickly warmed up to Kirino as a character. As contrived as the story’s premise may feel, Kirino’s underlying struggle to seek out others who share her socially stigmatized hobby is something that really resonated with me. Collecting figures and watching anime make me happy, but they are the sort of hobbies that are easily misunderstood and dismissed. At the time Oreimo was airing, I had just begun to attend meetings of my campus anime club, and thus I understood Kirino’s difficulty in throwing the hidden side of her life in front of a bunch of complete strangers. And when she finally finds success, I found myself genuinely happy for her.

But as the series progressed onwards, Kirino quickly became a serious test to my patience and tolerance. Her bratty antics were borderline unbearable, especially considering the extent to which her brother Kyousuke goes to help her. The author and director seem completely conscious of Kirino’s uncanny ability to induce rage, and they seemed to be using it to manipulate the audience. As my mouth foamed with frustration and anger, the side characters (such as Kuroneko and Manami) began to seem better than they actually are. I can’t speak for everyone, but it seems that this rage-manipulation tactic worked in the end, because by the end of the last broadcast episode, I was earnestly happy to see the announcement for the second season.

Oh Kirino, can I truly say that I hate you? No matter how great the side character may be, you are still the festering heart of the series! Yet why do I look forward to the sequel, and why am I sitting here, writing a review of a plastic figure made in your image? Why couldn’t I cancel the pre-order months ago when your shrieking voice was banging against my tattered nerves like a battering ram? I may never truly understand the method behind my madness, but I do know that I don’t regret not cancelling this figure. The Kotobukiya Kousaka Kirino is not perfect, and I am especially disappointed with one of its flaws, but in the end, she’s still a figure I’d recommend to most Oreimo fan out there.

Review Toy

Review: Figma Metis

figma Metis-035

When I think anime/manga geeks (like myself), I often associate them with JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Disgea. But despite my fascination with them “big-eyed cartoons”, I’m actually not a huge fan of the JRPG genre. Persona 3 & 4 differed from other JRPGs in the amount of control the player has over the progression of the story. Sure, there is a main plot that you have no choice but to follow, but a considerable bulk of the game centers on its social sim element – that is, building relationships with people about the school and town. Here the player is given the freedom to interact (or ignore) characters of his choosing, which goes a long way in enriching the role-playing element of a role-playing game. Because of these choices, I felt much more involved in the game’s plot than, say, when I was playing a Final Fantasy game.

Sadly, the turn based, menu-scrolling combat of Persona 3 soon became a chore to me. It’s not a painful chore by any stretch of the imagination, but it was an obstacle between the game’s story and I. Given my distaste for dungeon crawling, you can imagine my disappointment when I found out that “The Answer” (the segment of Persona 3: FES in which Metis appears) is almost exclusively a dungeon-crawling affair. I played for about an hour or so, and decided to put it down. Without my beloved social sim element, no amount of robo-girls could make me grind through the game.

My distaste for grinding didn’t stop me from ordering the Figma Metis, though. Initially an assailant on the SEES dormitory, Metis is soon after revealed as Aegis’ sister and joins the dorm-dwellers in their quest in finding a way to escape the temporal loop the gang is trapped in. I’m not sure what happens afterwards, but judging from the opening animation of “The Answer”, some drama eventually unfolds between the robots and the rest of the group. I should really read up on the plot of “The Answer”, but in all honesty, I don’t need to learn about the story context to indulge in my robo-girl fetish, and the Figma Metis simply spoils me rotten.


Vote for Chag in the GSC/Max Factory Photo Contest!

1/8 Dead Master

Like this photo? If so, then head on over to the fifth Wonder Hobby Photo Contest and rock the vote in my favour! It should be on the sixth row, fourth from the left. There’s no registration involved, and everyone gets to vote for 5 of their favourites in the top 200! There are a lot of great shots in the pool, so it’s well worth checking out. With your support and a LOT of luck, I just might end up winning one of the top prizes! Like a MacBook! Or a PS3! Or a…Nerf machine gun?? Hell, I’ll take it!

In other news, I’ve finally convinced Ashlotte to make a Twitter account! Make him feel welcome, Twitter peeps! =)

Figure Review

Review: 1/8 Dead Master (Original ver.)

GSC Dead Master-2424

For me, figure collecting is about paying homage. If I like a character from a certain anime/manga/game well enough, I’ll try to get myself a tangible piece of it, often in the form of models, figures and toys. I sometimes buy DVDs/BDs as well, but between gawking at a thin spine of a DVD case and an intricate figure, my preference naturally leans toward the latter. This is partly why I’m so picky with the figures I buy. The figure may be well-sculpted and painted, but without a reason to be fond of the character itself, chances are I won’t end up buying it.

Thus, given this personal policy, it’s rather strange of me to pick of Good Smile Company’s Dead Master (Original ver.) as one of the only PVC figures I purchased in 2010. After all, as an original illustration by Huke, there’s no real story behind the character whatsoever. Whereas the better-known Black Rock Shooter character inspired a popular song by the doujin group Supercell, Dead Master remained solely in the realm of illustrations. Going by her horns, clawed hands, painful-looking scythe, and floating skull companions, you can gather that she’s a probably up to no good, but what else is there to know about her?

It could be worse though, since having no story at all is at least better than having a shitty story. I mean, what if Good Smile Company decided it would be a good idea to fund an hour-long OVA and dump a truckload of sleep-inducing slice-of-life moments over an absolute trite plot with a couple of dry, emotionless fight scenes stuck into it? That sure would be awful, wouldn’t it? I’m glad that no such thing exists so I can enjoy this figure for what it is – a gorgeous rendition of a gorgeous character, pretty enough for me to cast my usual pickiness to the wind and leave not a single hint of regret.