Plamo Review

Review: HGUC Nu Gundam

To complete strangers, the Gundam franchise must be a very confounding beast. There have been so many entries to the lineup over the last 32 years that it’s pretty hard to know what’s what. I’ve had people tell me that they aren’t watching Gundam 00 because they haven’t watched the old school series, not knowing that there’s no story continuity between 00 and, say, the original Mobile Suit Gundam. To be honest, I can’t blame them, because as far as the designs for the main Gundams go, they’re pretty similar. More often than not, they all have little yellow and/or white pointy things on their heads, a red chin, blue torso, white legs, red feet and waist, and to someone who isn’t familiar with Gundam, those similarities are often enough to obscure whatever distinction that remain.

Needless to say, with a franchise as long-running as Gundam, it’s hard to stand out. However, this isn’t to say that it’s impossible. Asides from the original RX-78-2 (which has become a culture icon of sorts), there are a few others that has earned special mentions. The RX-93 Nu Gundam constitutes as one of those.

The Nu Gundam represents the culmination of early Universal Century MS technology before miniaturization trend started later on in the timeline. As the result, the Nu Gundam is one of the largest Gundam (not counting Psycho Gundam series, of course) in the Gundam franchise. However, the Nu Gundam’s mighty size is not its main distinguishing point; rather, much of its fame derives from its pilot Amuro Ray, the protagonist of the original series, as well as the film Char’s Counterattack in which the Nu Gundam appears. The film marked the end of the long-standing rivalry between Amuro and the fan-favourite antagonist Char Aznable. It also had remarkable production value, and thus it boasts animation quality that is still revered by fans to this day, 23 years after the film’s release.

Numerous models and toys of the Nu Gundam exist, and the HGUC version was released in 2008. Back then I had been eyeing the MG Nu Gundam for quite some time, and news of a newer and cheaper model of the iconic suit very much pleased me. The HGUC Nu Gundam certainly had a lot to live up to, and given the constraints of the HGUC kits in general, it’s a pretty good offering.

Figure Review

Review: 1/8 Hatsune Miku (2010 Race Queen ver.)

Stupid storms…can’t shoot my bikini figures…….Oh hey there all! *ahem* Yes welcome, welcome! Today we will be ogling half-naked Rise be taking a look at the recently released Racing Miku by GSC!

Racing Miku is a rather odd creature. If you asked me to make a list of potential companies that would sponsor a race car, GSC wouldn’t be anywhere on there, and the fact that they picked Miku to be the face of their racing team is even more bizarre, but hey, I certainly won’t complain about more Miku!

This whole thing started with the original Miku racer car which was a BMW. Sadly I’ve heard the car did terribly so they swapped her out for a Porsche and changed the livery on it while they were at it. Instead of the serviceable but not terribly exciting Kei art they commissioned Redjuice to do some absolutely spectacular images for the car using an appropriate racing theme that the earlier one lacked!

"Oh Redjuice how I love thee~~~"

The design for the stickers for the Porsche actually went through three different incarnations. The 1st and 2nd used the look that this figure portrays with the third and final version using new Redjuice illustrations with Miku sporting a modified Race Queen version of her original mechanic outfit. Sadly, GSC made very little merchandise for the final design, as as luck would have it, that design is my favorite. Anyways, I enjoy the look of the illustrations so much I actually went out and bought a few sheets of stickers of them and slapped em all over my bike…ah yea, I’m hopeless.

"You know you're too far gone when you have an Itasha. Also, I don't think I'm ever going to be a professional sticker applier."

In any case, the point is I love Redjuice’s art and I absolutely love the look of the 2010 car. They’ve since made another racing Miku version for 2011 while swapping back to a BMW, but I couldn’t give a damn about that one as this version is more to my tastes.

So without further ado let’s get this thing rolling!

Figure Review

Review: 1/7 Menace Review (NSFW)

Hey there all, I’ve finally recovered enough from doing that horrid Yukari review and subsequent gaming binge to get back to reviewing! And to start us off after that trainwreck we have Menace, a figure that I’ve taken forever to actually photograph!


Chag’s Anime North 2011 Adventure

Ah, Anime North – the annual pilgrimage for tens of thousands of weeaboos in the northeastern part of North America. I have been to the convention four times thus far, but during those visits I tended to stick exclusively to my group of friends and typically wandered aimlessly through the dealer’s room and outdoors amongst the cosplayers. I’ve always had a good time, and it’s hard not to – combine in a group of good friends and the infectious cheerfulness on the convention grounds, and the good times come to you by themselves.

But this year my plan was different – maybe it’s because of blogging, but I was eager to meet new people and do new things. I paid 55 bucks to get into this freak show, and by God I was going to make good of every penny! If Anime North was a seal, then I would be the hungry Eskimo, waiting to descend on his prey and take every chunk of it back to his igloo.

In Canada, Hockey season is ALWAYS on — even during an Anime Convention.

So how did the convention turn out? The shorter answer would be that it was like a rollercoaster ride – both fun and nauseating. As for the long answer, hit the jump to find out!